August 2022 Release
We’re excited to share our August Developer Update:
Write any PDF to the Document Center
To help developers share information with providers and patients, we’ve added support for document center writes to six additional health record systems: Open Dental, Eaglesoft, Dentrix, Dentrix Ascend, Dentrix Enterprise, and Denticon.
By uploading PDFs to the patient record, developers can provide doctors with detailed context on a specific patient, help practices manage digital forms, and light up dozens of other use cases.
You can find our API reference for Patient Documents here.
Patient Insurance in Open Dental
We’ve released our next set of Payment Ledger endpoints /insurance_plans and /insurance_coverages.
Insurance plans help you understand what insurances are accepted at a given practice. Our API provides plan name, group number, employer, and payer ID, a universal insurance identifier.
Insurance coverages help you understand a specific patient's insurance, with data like subscriber number, subscriber relationship, and effective date.
You can read more about insurance in our documentation, and see an example resource below.

Payment Ledger Integration for Open Dental, Dentrix, and Dentrix Ascend
We’ve expanded support for /procedures to Open Dental, Dentrix, and Dentrix Ascend. Procedures allow you to view services provided for a patient, with fee and status fields that allow you to understand if a procedure was completed and how much a patient was charged.
Procedures associated with a specific patient or appointment are queryable by adding “include[]=procedures” to the request params for calls to /appointments or /patients.
You can find documentation for /procedures here and see an example resource below. Procedures are currently in the process rolling out to all our syncs, so please reach out to us directly if you'd like them enabled for you sooner.

Patient Updated Webhook and Denticon Scheduling Improvements
We’ve added a new webhook, “patient_updated”, that notifies you when a patient’s information was changed in the health record system.
As part of our continued effort to improve our scheduling accuracy we now support reading Holidays in Denticon, reducing the risk of an improper booking.
What’s Next?
Be on the lookout for more Payment Ledger functionality including Charges, Adjustments, and Payments.