
September 2022 Release

We’re excited to share our September Developer Update, which focuses on enhancements we’ve made for reading payments ledger and patient insurance data:

Payment Ledger Integration for Open Dental

We’ve added read access to three new ledger resources – Payments, Adjustments, and Charges – and support for reading the patient balance. These endpoints are in beta, and you can reach out to [email protected] if you would like them enabled for your locations.

The Payments endpoint allows you to view payments made by a patient or their insurance. You can read more about this endpoint in our Payments Documentation and see an example response below.

The Adjustments endpoint allows you to view adjustments (think write-offs or employee discounts) made by a practice. You can read more about this endpoint in our Adjustments Documentation.

The Charges endpoint allows you to view the services for which a patient or their insurance is being charged. You can read more about this endpoint in our Charges Documentation.

All three of these ledger resources impact our new patient attribute “balance,” which represents how much a patient owes the practice.

Patient Insurance for Open Dental and Dentrix

We’ve added Dentrix support for our insurance endpoints /insurance_plans and /insurance_coverages.

The Insurance plans endpoint helps you understand what insurances are accepted at a given practice. Our API provides plan name, group number, employer, and payer ID, a universal insurance identifier.

The Insurance coverages endpoint helps you understand a specific patient's insurance with data like subscriber number, subscriber relationship, and effective date.

You can read more in our Insurance Plans Documentation.

What’s next?

Be on the lookout for more Payment Ledger functionality and improvements to our location onboarding portal and processes.