API Reference


This endpoint is in beta and as such all content below is subject to change.


Supported Integrations

For now, charges are only supported for Open Dental and Dentrix.

Charges represent a patient or their insurance plan being charged money for a service provided. Charges are a "debit" meaning they add to the patient balance, increasing the amount the patient owes the practice.

You can determine whether a patient or their insurance is responsible for a charge by accessing the accountable_type and `accountable_id properties.


Understanding Charges and Procedures

In many systems, all charges will be associated with a completed procedure. You can understand this relationship by adding the query parameter "include[]=procedures" to your requests to /charges.

Charge Response Object

  "code": false,
  "description": "Description",
  "error": [
  "data": [
      "id": 113,
      "accountable_type": "patient",
      "accountable_id": 1,
      "value": {
        "amount": "62.00",
        "currency": "USD"
      "patient_id": 3,
      "provider_id": 15,
      "procedure_id": 42,
      "date": "2020-06-05",
      "directionality": "credit"
  "page_info": {
    "has_previous_page": false,
    "has_next_page": false,
    "start_cursor": "AAAAA",
    "end_cursor": "BBBBBB"