API Reference


This endpoint is in beta and as such all content below is subject to change.


Supported Integrations

For now, payments are only supported for Open Dental and Dentrix.

Payments represents a patient or their insurance plan paying for a completed service or good(s). Payments are a "credit" meaning they subtract from the patient balance, reducing the amount the patient owes the practice.

It is important to note that this endpoint reflect payments that have been input into the health record system regardless of whether the practice actually received a payment in their bank account. Practices may input payments before or after the "actual" payment is received and processed.


Asynchronous payment creation

Please note that creating a payment transaction via the NexHealth API is asynchronous, therefore it is strongly recommended that you also subscribe to the payment transaction insertion webhook which will fires upon complete or failed response from an integration when inserting a patient payment into an EHR.

Depending on the integration, the creation of payment transaction which includes payment_splits may result in multiple payment records in the target EHR. In order to associate the payment transaction with the resulting payment(s), please match on transaction_id.

Determining Responsible Party

You can determine whether a patient or their insurance was responsible for a payment by referring to the insurance_plan_id and claim_id. Please note that these values are only available via view payment (singular).

A null value in insurance_plan_id and claim_id indicates that the patient paid out of pocket while a non null value indicates that the patient's insurance provided the payment. Passing the insurance_plan_id in a call to view insurance plan (singular) will return the name of the insurance and the employer, as well as other optional values such as patient_coverages and subscribers.

Payments Response Object

  "code": false,
  "description": "Description",
  "error": "Error",
  "data": [
      "id": 113,
      "foreign_id": "1234-5678",
      "location_id": 10,
      "patient_id": 3,
      "guarantor_id": 5,
      "provider_id": 15,
      "updated_at": "2024-09-05T20:31:17.007Z",
      "description": "This is a description",
      "payment_amount": {
        "amount": "62.00",
        "currency": "USD"
      "paid_at": "2024-10-01",
      "transaction_id": "NHP:JXZEQ1234",
      "charge_id": 1111,
      "claim_id": 2222,
      "payment_plan_id": 3,
      "insurance_plan_id": 4
  "page_info": {
    "has_previous_page": false,
    "has_next_page": false,
    "start_cursor": "AAAAA",
    "end_cursor": "BBBBBB"