API Reference

Insurance Plans


This endpoint is in beta and as such all content below is subject to change. Please note that all ledger data below should only be accessed via the v20240412 version. Ledger data requires additional setup so please reach out to [email protected] before building on these endpoints.


The Insurance Plans resource allows you to see what insurance is available in a health record system. This gives you an idea of what insurances are accepted by a practice though it is worth noting some practices may input plans they do not accept into their EHR.

In the NexHealth Synchronizer API, patients have "insurance_coverages" which connect an insurance plan and patient together.

Insurance plans contain general information like group number, employer, and address of the insurance provider, whereas insurance coverages contain patient specific information like their subscriber number, the patient subscriber relationship, and the coverage's effective date.

Use Cases

Accessing Patient Coverages To access a patient's coverage you can make requests to /patients/{id}/insurance_coverages or pass "include[]=insurance_coverages" as a query parameters to /patients or /patients/{id}.

Supported Health Record Systems


No EHR specific notes

Dentrix Enterprise

No EHR specific notes


No EHR specific notes

Open Dental

Open Dental documentation on insurance plans
