Read the payment ledger
Within a health record system, the payment ledger is where all financial transactions are tracked. The ledger contains transactions between a given patient and practice, and an overall patient balance measuring how much the patient owes the practice.
Transactions fall into three categories: Payments, Adjustments, and Charges.
- Payments represent the patient paying for a service and reduce the balance.
- Charges represent the patient being charged for a service often a procedure and increase the balance.
- Adjustments represent the practice adding or subtracting to the patient balance. Adjustments can be applied for a variety of reasons including employee discounts, write offs, and late fees.
The NexHealth API does not read statements or patient balance from the EHR, but we read charges, payments and adjustments which together can be used to calculate the balance that the patient owes for the goods and services they received.
Updated about 1 month ago