Edit Appointment


Editable Attributes

Only "confirmed" and "cancelled" can be patched. All other attribute changes will be overwritten during the next sync.

Appointment cancellation supported integrations and the experience within the EHR UI.

  • Denticon : Appointment status will be "cancelled" with reason= “Automated cancellation”
  • Dentrix (onprem) : The appointment will be “broken” with no cancellation reason
  • Dentrix Ascend : Appointment status will be "cancelled" with no cancellation reason
  • Dentrix Enterprise : Appointment status will be "cancelled" with no cancellation reason
  • eCW : Appointment status will be "CANC" with no cancellation reason
  • OpenDental : Appointment status will be "cancelled" with no cancellation reason
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!