API Reference

Response codes

HTTP requests

The NexHealth Synchronizer API's HTTP request support is a subset of RFC 2616.

HTTP Request TypeDescription
GETUsed for retrieving a collection or single resource

e.g. Retrieve patient information, get appointment details, etc.
POSTUsed to create a new record.

e.g. New patient, new appointment, etc.
PATCHUsed to update an existing record.

e.g. Updating patient details, updating appointment, etc.
DELETEUsed to delete a specified record

e.g. Delete an appointment category, delete a subscription, etc.

Success responses

Request successes are returned with HTTP status codes starting with 2xx. Below is a partial list of responses.

HTTP resultResultDescription
200SuccessThe request was successful.
201CreatedThe request was successful and has led to the creation of a resource.
204No contentThe delete request succeeded and you should not expect a response body.

Failure responses

Request errors are returned with HTTP status codes starting with 4xx and server errors are starting with 5xx codes. Below is a partial list of responses.

HTTP resultResultDescription
400Bad requestThe request was invalid because the format was incorrect or the resource method was unsupported for that type.
401UnauthorizedThe request was not processed because the authorization credentials were not valid or acceptable for this resource.
403ForbiddenThe request is authorized but you don't have permission to perform that request.
404Not foundThe resource you attempted to access was not found.